Chaos Dragon Deck September 2012 (Changes)

Changed a few things in my Chaos Dragon Deck, as I wasn’t able to fill my grave fast enough with monsters (relying on Normal Summon monsters like Lightsworn or Trooper in order to mill is just too slow)


Chaos Dragon Deck September 2012

For complete Decklist click here.

Changes V2 (September-04-2012)


  • -2 Jain (Didn’t encounter that much Rai-Oh’s as expected)


  • +1 additional Magical Merchant (Just so awesome, much better than every other milling engine)
  • +1 Reasoning (still testing, but it seems good as all your monsters have different levels; tested Card Destruction instead too, as you said Corsin, but didn’t really made that impact)

Changes V1 (August-30-2012)


  • -1 Effect Veiler (3 copies are really clogging your hand, so I moved 1 to Side)
  • -1 Plaguespreader Zombie (drains your hand resources like crazy)
  • -1 Divine Dragon Apocralyph (like to keep him but there aren’t many targets anymore like with Future; trying Jain instead)
  • -1 Forbidden Lance (didn’t really had the chance to use it or wasn’t necessary)
  • -1 Allure Of Darkness (trying Solar Recharge instead, as I increased the count of Lightsworns)
  • -1 Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter


Magical Merchant

  • +2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin (can run over TKRO, who will stop all of your Chaos monsters, cause they’re all Inherent Summons)
  • +1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk (good in mirror matches facing Ryko and stuff)
  • +1 Solar Recharge (want to add 2 but still thinking what to drop)
  • +1 Gorz (forgot him lol)



  • -1 Royal Decree


  • +1 Effect Veiler

Additional Comment:

I’ll try testing it like that, but I think there’s a lack of DARK monsters (still thinkin about good ones; maybe Spirit Reaper) and I need to run 2 Solar Recharges, gotta test what to drop for it although.

All images are taken from Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia.

Competitive Chaos Dragon (September 2012 Format)

I told you that the new banlist for September 2012 would extremely affect Chaos Dragons, that is definitely true as Future Fusion is gone, Chaos Sorcerer and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon limited. But that doesn’t mean that the deck is completely wrecked. Well it is slower with that format and needs some time to set up, but it still works.

Now what are the important things to mention that changed with the banlist from September 2012 (of course only the part that actually affects Chaos Dragons):

  • Future Fusion banned
  • Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon limited
  • Chaos Sorcerer limited
  • Tour Guide From The Underworld semi-limited
  • Brionac banned (not that important but i still had this guy in my Extra)

The test decklist I built regarding these new bans (still TCG Format btw as Tour Guide’s still not released in OCG):


Chaos Dragon Deck Spetember 2012

Monster (31)

1x Dark Armed Dragon (LV 7)

1x Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness (LV 7)

1x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (LV 10)

3x Lightpulsar Dragon (LV 6)

3x Darkflare Dragon (LV 5)

1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy Of The Beginning (LV 8)

1x Chaos Sorcerer (LV 6)

2x Eclipse Wyvern (LV 4)

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress (LV 4)

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter (LV 2)

1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk (LV 4)

2x Tour Guide From The Underworld (LV 3)

1x Night Assailant (LV 3)

1x Sangan (LV 3)

2x Effect Veiler (LV 3 – Tuner)

2x Magical Merchant (LV 1)

2x Card Trooper (LV 3)

1x Divine Dragon Apocralyph (LV 4)

Spell (9)

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Dark Hole

1x Solar Recharge

1x Mind Control

1x Charge Of The Light Brigade

1x Reasoning

1x Solar Recharge

1x D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

Extra (15)

1x A.O.J. Catastor (LV 5)

1x Orient Dragon (LV 6)

1x Black Rose Dragon (LV 7)

1x Scrap Dragon (LV 8)

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines (R 3)

1x Leviar The Sea Dragon (R 3)

1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (R 3)

1x Maestroke The Symphony Djinn (R 4)

1x Queen Dragun Djinn (R 4)

1x Number 39: Utopia (R 4)

1x Tiras Keeper Of Armageddon (R 5)

1x Hieratic Dragon King Atum (R 6)

1x Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 (R 6)

1x Photon Strike Bounzer (R 6)

1x Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger (R 7)

Side (15)

1x Effect Veiler (LV 1 – Tuner)

2x D.D. Crow (LV 1)

2x Maxx “C” (LV 2)

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Night Beam

2x Soul Taker

2x Royal Decree

1x Mirror Force

2x Mind Crush


There are a few changes and I want to present you my thoughts on these tweaks I made. Some are quite obvious, but others are probably not that self-explaining.

Darkflare Dragon

This guy’s now at 3 in my deck because of the lack of Chaos Monsters as the second Sorcerer was banned. Still underestimated by a lot of players, won a few duels cause of this guy and don’t forget that dropping one Dragon from hand and sending from grave are both a cost to activate the effect of banishing a card in grave. Means concretely that even if it gets veilered or Skill Drain is active you still can activate this part, as Veiler and Skill Drain only negate the effect and not the activation of the effect (Veiler just chains to the activation but doesn’t negate the activation itself).

Night Assailant

Serves as an substitute for the missing 3rd Tour Guide, he’s just like Ryko and you can drop him for Pulsar and stuff (does activate as a cost, as it’s compulsory to add and therefore doesn’t miss timing).

DARK material of course too.

Effect Veiler

Still thinking about running her at 3, sometimes she really clogs in your hand, especially when you’re facing Dark World. Probably dropping to 2 wouldn’t be a bad idea, but I’m testing her at 3 first.

Plaguespreader Zombie

Just there for syncs, probably would be better if there would be a Vice Dragon, to reset the field without using up your Normal Summon, but still good without Vice. Maybe I should add a few more powerful Syncs too but didn’t found the space for them.

D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation

As REDMD will be limited in the future, we will have to face Bottomless Trap Holes, Dimensional Prison and stuff that will come to use as Inzektors are finally off from meta in my opinion. Therefore we have to have an out for the situation that REDMD is banished. D.D.R. still isn’t the best solution in my opinion, but we have to live with that for now. Don’t forget that you won’t be able to summon any monster if your opponent chains Mystical Space Typhoon to the activation of this Equip Spell, so you gotta be careful. Well there are some other cards like Return From The Different Dimension, Burial From A Different Dimension or Escape From The Dark Dimension, but I didn’t found them useful enough to add them to the deck.

Orient Dragon

This guy serves as the substitute for the missing Brionac, not the best thing anymore, but could be useful as I expect a few Synchro decks like Plants or Blackwings to be revived. Banishing an opponents monster doesn’t sounds bad then. Still thinking about replacing him with Sirius The Blue Star Wolf although as his effect is more generic, but he needs to be destroyed to let one of your opponents monster lose 2400 ATK.

Additional Comment:

These cards are still not sure:

  • D.D.R.
  • Forbidden Lance
  • Orient Dragon

Cards  where I’m still thinking about whether to add or not:

  • Zephyrus
  • Tsukuyomi
  • Necroface
  • Dimensional Alchemist
  • Foolish Burial
  • Dragon Ravine
  • Solar Recharge
  • Instant Fusion

Just made a funny Chaos Junk Doppel Dragon deck according to the new September 2012 Banlist a few minutes ago, I’ll post it if I got some time left, but it works surprisingly good, why didn’t someone thought of this before lol

All images were taken from Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia.

Tan Sung Lee – Chaos Dragon (2012)

Updated the Extra Deck

This years Malaysian Nationals winner 2012 Tan Sung Lee rocked with a Chaos Dragon Deck as I already told you. Now the decklist has been released and credits for Mike for posting this:

Chaos Dragon (1st place)

Monsters: 27
1 Zephyrus
1 Sangan
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Eclipse Wyvern
2 Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3 Dark Flare Dragon
2 Chaos Sorcerer
3 Light Pulsar Dragon
3 Effect Veiler
2 Card Trooper
3 Ryko
2 Lyla

Spells: 12
1 Monster Reborn
1 Forbidden Chalice
1 Dark Hole
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Heavy Storm
1 Instant Fusion
1 Future Fusion
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
3 Solar Recharge
1 Mind Control

Traps: 1

1 Chain Disappearance


Extra: 15
1 Darkfire Dragon
1 Reaper On The Nightmare
1 Five-Headed Dragon
1 Chimeratech Dragon
1 Brionac
1 Queen Dragun Djinn
1 Utopia
1 Tiras
1 Volcasaurus
1 Atum
1 Photon Strike Bounzer
1 Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
1 Exabeetle


Side: 15
2 Wild Tornado
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Maxx C
2 Electric Virus

1 Forbidden Chalice
1 Deck Devastation Virus
1 Solemn Warning
2 Royal Decree
1 Solemn Judgment

Interesting tech choices

  • Zephyrus: I’ll definitely try this out, looks interesting as you  can recycle your used Lylas bounce back Chaos Monster for another special summon and reusing the effect
  • Wild Tornado: Nice Side Deck option, maybe we’ll see this tech choice more with those Inzektors out

  • Maining Chalice is also something interesting, although I like Forbidden Lance more, as it protects your monster from Hornet (counts as Equip effect) and certain traps (Torrential, Bottomless, etc.)
  • The rest is standard like every Chaos Dragon Deck, maybe only difference is that he plays Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon at 2 instead of 3 (I like having 3 although)
  • As OCG player he has no access to Tour Guide, but I can tell you that even without Tour Guide this deck is pretty consistent
  • Instant fusion? I don’t see the point of playing this card, as it is a bad mill and all you can get is Darkfire Dragon and Reaper The Nightmare (which can’t even attack, nor staying alive, so I don’t see the point of adding him at all … maybe just for the trolls). I would rather play Apocralyph that strangely almost nobody plays in Chaos Dragons

Lightsworn Chaos Dragon

This is a Chaos Dragon Build that has a bigger Lightsworn engine and is much more of an OTK deck than my last build, which I changed too (put Hanzos and Ninjitsu out and more monsters in)

There are much more monsters in it to bring out my Chaos monsters as fast as possible while decreasing the spell/trap milling rate.

Changes I consider to do:

I might put the honest out and throw in a second Veiler. Allure out for another Solar Recharge. Or instead of Recharge MST’s, depends on how the meta is playing their cards (Many traps and tendency to control or Swarming and OTK)

Chaos Sworn Dragon

Monsters (33)

1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy Of The Beginning

3x Lightpulsar Dragon

2x Eclipse Dragon

1x Honest

1x Effect Veiler

1x Judgment Dragon

1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

1x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Gorz The Emissary Of Darkness

3x Chaos Sorcerer

2x Darkflare Dragon

2x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

1x Divine Dragon Apocralyph

3x Tourguide Of The Underworld

1x Sangan

Spell (7)

1x Allure Of Darkness

1x Solar Recharge

1x Charge of The Light Brigade

1x Dark Hole

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Future Fusion

Extra (15)

1x Five-Headed Dragon

1x Catastor

1x Brionac

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Zenmaines

1x Leviair The Sea Dragon

1x No. 17: Leviathan Dragon

1x Maestroke The Symphony Djinn

1x Tiras Keeper Of Genesis

1x Atum

1x Photon Strike Bounzer

1x Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7

Side (15)

2x Electric Virus

2x D.D. Crow

2x Effect Veiler

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Night Beam

2x Chain Disappearance

1x Treacherous Trap Hole

1x Mind Crush