Wind-Up Deck and Combos (September 2012 Banlist)

Finally I got some time again to write a post, sorry for not posting anything in the last few weeks. Today I’ll present you one of the most hated decks in the past format:


They definitely got nerfed with the limit of Zenmighty, but this deck is still as explosive as ever even though the attack of the summoned monsters are not very high. Wind-Ups still have incredible 2 card combos that can do crazy OTK’s, which I present you later. I do have to admit that Wind-Ups are one of the hardest decks to play in this format, cause you can do so many combos with just a few cards and it reminds me somehow of Infernities with their crazy loops, although you’re not that committed to the field as they are.

This post will be probably important to all OCG players who are still not familiar with the TCG Wind-Up strategy, as the Sharks and Rabbits are still not released there (October 13, 2012 the Extra Pack 2012 will be released).


Wind-Up September 2012

Monster (19)

3x Wind-Up Rabbit (LV 3)

3x Wind- Up Rat (LV 3)

3x Wind-Up Shark (LV 4)

3x Wind-Up Magician (LV 4)

1x Wind-Up Kitten (LV 2)

2x Tour Guide From The Underworld (LV 3)

1x Tour Bus From The Underworld (LV 3)

1x Sangan (LV 3)

2x Snowman Eater (LV 3)

Spell (13)

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Wind-Up Factory

1x Heavy Storm

1x Dark Hole

1x Monster Reborn

1x Pot Of Avarice

1x Book Of Moon

2x Salvage

Trap (8)

2x Solemn Warning

2x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

1x Solemn Judgment

Extra (15)

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines (R 3)

1x Wind-Up Zenmaity (R3)

1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant (R 3)

1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (R 3)

1x Number 30: Acid Golem Of Destruction (R 3)

1x Daigusto Emeral (R 4)

1x Maestroke The Symphony Djinn (R 4)

1x Wind-Up Zenmaister (R 4)

2x Photon Papilloperative (R 4)

1x Gem-Knight Pearl (R 4)

1x Number 16: Shock Master (R 4)

1x Adreus Keeper Of Armageddon (R 5)

1x Tiras Keeper Of Genesis (R 5)

1x Wind-Up Zenmaioh (R 5)

Side (15)

1x Effect Veiler (LV 1 – Tuner)

2x Maxx “C” (LV 2)

1x Prime Material Dragon (LV 6)

2x Dimensional Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Soul Taker

2x Night Beam

2x Mind Crush

1x Mirror Force

1x Royal Decree

Strategy and Explanation

Well the basic strategy is to stall out for your OTK combos, while protecting your field and stopping the opponent from summoning big things with your traps/Zenmaines. In addition to that you’ll do farming with Factory + Rabbit (banish in their turn, makes Factory trigger, banish in your Standby Phase makes it trigger again; get Shark and Magician), so that you can make the OTK really quick, of course you have to get rid of the opponents backrow before that. There are a few odd choices that I made and I’ll try to explain them for you.

Wind-Up Kitten

Wind-Up Kitten

I prefer Kitten over Hunter because of the bouncing effect which can get rid of Reaper, Zenmaines, Mashmallon and other annoying stuff. The other reason is that I always mess up with hunter and don’t find the right moment to use his effect, so you can change it for Hunter, if you like him more.

Tour Bus From The Underworld

Tour Bus From The Underworld

Not really needed since there are 2 Salvage in the deck, but still good to bounce Zenmighty or other Xyz back to the deck. I think there should be no need to mention that this is a target for Tour Guide. You can also bounce back your opponents Grapha, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon or Hornet.

Snowman Eater

Snowman Eater

One of the oddest card choices will be probably this guy (at least among the monsters). We all know Snowman Eater as a Side Tech against Dinos, but why do I main Snowman Eater here? Well first because of his awesome effect, then because he’s LV 3 and the last thing and probably most important thing: he has a high def that can survive a Thunderking Rai-Oh (one of the cards that would otherwise kill your deck). So there’s a high chance that he stays on the field and you can Xyz for Rank 3 in your turn. In addition to that you can take him back to your hand with Salvage.



This card is the oddest card in my deck as I think, but if you look through my decklist, it has its reason and I’ll explain why. Well with Salvage you can return 2 WATER monsters with 1500 or less ATK  to your hand, Shark and Snowman Eater would be the most obvious targets. But people usually forget that the most important Wind-Up monster Zenmaity is a 1500 ATK WATER monster too and you can bounce him back to the Extra deck with Salvage. Salvage alone is a really nice advantage generator if you think of Mermail Atlanteans or something similiar, here you will want to bounce back Zenmaity for some more swarming, but this just makes Salvage a 1 for 1 Trader as you get 1 card to your hand and use 1 (Salvage itself) for it (for the moment the returned Zenmaity won’t give you any advantage, just if you can summon and resolve its effect).

Loops and Combos

I will write down 5 loops and combos with Wind-Ups and link the corresponding video below. Of course you can vary the combos on certain points and improve them, I just tell you some basic combos with cards that you got in your hand. You can generate a much bigger advantage if you got Rabbit and Factory already on the field. You can change the Pearl for a Utopia, this is just a personal preference. I like pearl more cause he can run over a few guys which Utopia can’t. The combos are mostly taken from the videos I linked or embed here, although I made minor changes or added a few variations, you can either watch the videos or read the combo list.

Shark + Magician OTK



  1. Normal Summon 1. Wind-Up Magician
  2. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from hand [Field: Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Shark]
  3. Trigger the effect of the 1. Wind-Up Magician in response to Wind-Up Sharks chainable Special Summon
  4. Special Summon 2. Wind-Up Magician from your deck [Field: Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Shark]
  5. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Shark to LV 3
  6. Trigger the effect of the 2. Wind-Up Magician
  7. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat in face-up DEF (Magician always summons them in DEF) [Field: Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Magician + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Rat]
  8. Overlay the 2 used up Wind-Up Magicians
  9. Special Summon Photon Papilloperative from your Extra Deck [Field: Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  10. Effect Papilloperative: Detach 1x Wind-Up Magician
  11. Change Wind-Up Rat to ATK mode [Field: Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (ATK)]
  12. Effect Wind-Up Rat: change Wind-Up Rat  to DEF
  13. Special Summon Wind-Up Magician back from grave [Field: Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Magician(DEF)]
  14. Overlay Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (LV 3)
  15. Special Summon Wind-Up Zenmaity [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]

From here on you can go several different ways:

Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)

  1. Effect Wind-Up Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  2. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat  in ATK mode [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician(not used) + Wind-Up Rat (ATK)]
  3. Trigger the effect of the rat revived Wind-Up Magician (DEF)
  4. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from deck [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician(used) + Wind-Up Rat (ATK) + Wind-Up Shark (from deck)]
  5. Overlay Wind-Up Magician(DEF) + Wind-Up Shark (from deck)
  6. Special Summon Pearl/Utopia [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Rat (ATK) + Pearl/Utopia]
  7. Effect Wind-Up Rat : change Wind-Up Rat to DEF
  8. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from grave [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Pearl/Utopia + Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Shark (DEF)]
  9. Effect Wind-Up Shark (DEF): Shark to LV 3)
  10. Overlay Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)
  11. Special Summon Number 20: Giga-Brilliant [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Pearl/Utopia + Number 20: Giga-Brilliant]
  12. Effect Number 20: Giga Brilliant: Each of your monsters gain 300 ATK permanently (you could also call out any other generic R 3 Xyz, but normally Giga-Brilliant is good, you can call out Acid Golem although, you just need to change the extra deck then)
  13. Field: Photon Papilloperative (2400 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaity (1800 ATK) + Pearl (2900 ATK)/Utopia (2800 ATK) + Number 20: Giga-Brilliant (2100 ATK)

Other variation (begins from Zenmaity effect), requires 1 Shock Master (instead of Pearl/Utopia + Giga-Brilliant) and 1 additional Wind-Up Shark/Wind-Up Magician in the deck/hand (actually there’s a better version of this combo, I call it the Lockdown, will be a bit below):

Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)

  1. Effect Wind-Up Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  2. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  3. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to Zenmaitys effect
  4. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark/Wind-Up Magician [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark/Wind-Up Magician]
  5. Overlay Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark/Wind-Up Magician
  6. Special Summon Number 16: Shock Master [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Number 16: Shock Master]
  7. Effect Number 16: Shock Master: Call whatever you need at the moment (best thing with your opponent having no backrow would be Spell, if there’s a huge backrow I’d call Trap, when I’m playing against effect heavy decks like Mermail Atlantean or I know for sure that the opponent has Gorz in his hand, I would call effect)
  8. Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Number 16: Shock Master

2nd variation (begins from Zenmaity effect), requires 1 Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh and 1 additional Wind-Up Shark in the deck/hand like the first variation, but it has to be Shark, unlike the variation before:

Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)

  1. Effect Wind-Up Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  2. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from deck [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used/DEF) + Wind-Up Shark]
  3. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to Zenmaitys effect
  4. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used/DEF) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark]
  5. Effect of both Wind-Up Shark: Change both Wind-Up Sharks to LV 5
  6. Overlay Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 5)
  7. Special Summon Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh [Field: Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up ZenmaityWind-Up Magician (used/DEF) + Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh]
  8. Effect Adreus/Wind-Up Zenmaioh: Destroy 1 Face-up Card (Adreus) or destroy 2 Set cards
  9. Field: Photon Papilloperative (2100 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaity (1500 ATK) + Wind-Up Magician (used/DEF) + Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh (2600 ATK)

Tour Guide + Shark OTK



  1. Normal Summon Tour Guide
  2. Special Summon Tour Guide/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan from deck/hand [Field: Tour Guide + Tour Guide/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan]
  3. Overlay Tour Guide + Tour Guide/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan
  4. Special Summon Zenmaity from Extra Deck [Field: Zenmaity]
  5. Effect Zenmaity: Detach Tour Guide/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan
  6. Special Summon 1st Wind-Up Magician from deck [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  7. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark in hand
  8. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from hand [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  9. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to the chainable Special Summon of Wind-Up Shark
  10. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Magician (not used)  from deck [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  11. Overlay 1st Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark
  12. Special Summon Wind-Up Zenmaister from Extra [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  13. Effect Wind-Up Zenmaister: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  14. Switch Zenmaity to face-down DEF
  15. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician to Zenmaisters effect
  16. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from deck [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  17. Overlay 2nd Wind-Up Magician (used) and Wind-Up Shark
  18. Special Summon Photon Papilloperative [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative]
  19. Effect Photon Papilloperative: Detach Shark
  20. Switch Zenmaity to ATK mode (900 ATK)
  21. Effect Zenmaity: Detach Tour Guide/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan
  22. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from deck in ATK [Field: Zenmaity (900 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Rat]
  23. Effect Wind-Up Rat: Switch to DEF
  24. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from grave [Field: Zenmaity (900 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Rat + Wind-Up Shark]
  25. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Change Shark to LV 3
  26. Overlay Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)
  27. Special Summon Number 20: Giga-Brilliant/Acid Golem [Field: Zenmaity (900 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative + Number 20: Giga-Brilliant/Acid Golem]
  28. Effect Giga-Brilliant: Each monster gains 300 ATK permanently
  29. Field: Zenmaity (900/1200 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister (2100/2400) + Photon Papilloperative (2100/2400) + Number 20: Giga-Brilliant/Acid Golem (2100/3000)

Shark + Magician Lockdown

This lockdown will ensure yourself a good position from the beginning of the duel. Usually you will set traps to support your lockdown (traps that prevent summoning or remove the opponents monsters from the field: Solemn Warning, etc.)



  1. Normal Summon Wind-Up Magician
  2. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark in hand
  3. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from hand [Field: Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  4. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used)
  5. Special Summon 2nd Wind-Up Magician from deck [Field: Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  6. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Change Wind-Up Shark to LV 3
  7. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician
  8. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from deck in DEF [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)+ Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  9. Overlay 1st Wind-Up Magician (used) + 2nd Wind-Up Magician (used)
  10. Special Summon Photon Papilloperative [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)+ Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  11. Effect Photon Papilloperative: Detach Wind-Up Magician
  12. Switch Wind-Up Rat (DEF) to ATK
  13. Effect Wind-Up Rat (ATK): Switch Wind-Up Rat (ATK) to DEF
  14. Special Summon Wind-Up Magician from grave [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)+ Photon PapilloperativeWind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  15. Overlay Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)
  16. Special Summon Zenmaity in DEF (cause you’re going to go into control and you’ll normally do this on Turn 1) [Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  17. Effect Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  18. Special Summon 3rd Wind-Up Magician from deck/hand [Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  19. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician
  20. Special Summon Wind-Up Rabbit [Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Rabbit]
  21. Effect Wind-Up Rabbit: Banish Wind-Up Rabbit [Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  22. Trigger the effect of the 3rd Wind-Up Magician (not used)
  23. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Shark from deck (you can leave the Rabbit part out, if all Sharks are in your hand and just trigger one to the Special Summon of the 3rd Wind-Up Magician)[Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  24. Overlay Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark
  25. Special Summon Number 16: Shock Master [Field: ZenmaityPhoton Papilloperative + Number 16: Shock Master]
  26. Field: Zenmaity (1500 ATK)+ Photon Papilloperative (2100 ATK)+ Number 16: Shock Master (2300 ATK)
  27. Don’t forget the banished Wind-Up Rabbit which will come back in your next Standby Phase

Video of these 3 combos:

Shark + Magician + Factory Combo

You can still pull off this combo if you have 2 Sharks + Magician in hand instead of Shark + Factory + Magician.



  1. Activate Wind-Up Factory
  2. Normal Summon Wind-Up Magician
  3. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark in hand
  4. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from hand [Field: Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  5. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to the chainable Special Summon of Wind-Up Shark
  6. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Magician from deck in DEF [Field: Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  7. Factory triggers: add a 2nd Wind-Up Shark from deck to hand (normally you should put Factory on Chain Link 2 and Magician on Chain Link 1; that way you can trigger the searched Shark on the Special Summon of Magician, it isn’t necessary here, but you should keep it in mind)
  8. Effect 1st Wind-Up Shark: Shark to LV 5
  9. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician
  10. Special summon the 3rd Wind-Up Magician, [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  11. Overlay 1st Wind-Up Magician + 2nd Wind-Up Magician
  12. Special Summon Zenmaister [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  13. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark to the Special Summon of Zenmaister
  14. Special Summon the 2nd added Wind-Up Shark, [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  15. Trigger the effect of the 3rd Wind-Up Magician (not used)
  16. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat in DEF from deck [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  17. Overlay 3rd Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 4)
  18. Special Summon Photon Papilloperative [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + ZenmaisterPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  19. Effect Papilloperative: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  20. Switch Wind-Up Rat (DEF) to ATK
  21. Effect Wind-Up Rat (ATK): Switch Wind-Up Rat (ATK) to DEF
  22. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from grave [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + ZenmaisterPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Shark]
  23. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Change Wind-Up Shark to LV 3
  24. Overlay Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)
  25. Special Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + ZenmaisterPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity]
  26. Effect Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  27. Special Summon 3rd Wind-Up Shark [Field: Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + ZenmaisterPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity + Wind-Up Shark]
  28. Effect 3rd Wind-Up Shark: Change Wind-Up Shark to LV 5
  29. Overlay 1st Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + 3rd Wind-Up Shark (LV 5)
  30. Special Summon Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh [Field: Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up ZenmaiohZenmaisterPhoton Papilloperative + Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity]
  31. Effect Adreus/Wind-Up Zenmaioh: Destroy 1 Face-Up Card/Destroy 2 Set Cards
  32. Field: Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh (2600 ATK) + Zenmaister (2400 ATK) + Photon Papilloperative (2100 ATK)+ Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity (1500 ATK)

Tour Guide + Shark + Factory OTK

Here you can use 2x Sharks in hand again instead of 1x Shark + 1x Factory + 1x Tour Guide.



  1. Normal Summon Tour Guide
  2. Special Summon Tour Guide From The Underworld/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan from deck/hand [Field: Tour Guide + Tour Guide From The Underworld/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan]
  3. Activate Wind-Up Factory (you can stop with Tour Guide and Sangan, without fearing that your Factory will be wasted, when you stop because of Maxx “C”)
  4. Overlay Tour Guide + Tour Guide From The Underworld/Tour Bus From The Underworld/Sangan
  5. Special Summon Zenmaity [Field: Zenmaity]
  6. Effect Zenmaity: Detach Tour Guide
  7. Special Summon Wind-Up Magician [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician]
  8. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark in hand
  9. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from hand [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)+ Wind-Up Shark]
  10. Trigger Wind-Up Magician (as Chain Link 1) and Wind-Up Factory (as Chain Link 2)
  11. Add 2nd Wind-Up Shark to the hand
  12. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Magician from deck [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  13. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Change Wind-Up Shark to LV 5
  14. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician
  15. Special Summon the last Wind-Up Shark from deck [Field: Zenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark]
  16. Overlay the 2 used up Wind-Up Magicians
  17. Special Summon Wind-Up Zenmaister [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark]
  18. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark to the Specail Summon of Zenmaister in your hand
  19. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from your hand [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Shark (LV 5)+ Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Shark]
  20. Effect of 1x Wind-Up Shark: Change to LV 5 [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Shark (LV 5)+ Wind-Up Shark (LV 5) + Wind-Up Shark]
  21. Overlay the 2 LV 5 Wind-Up Sharks
  22. Special Summon Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh [Field: ZenmaityWind-Up ZenmaisterAdreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh + Wind-Up Shark]
  23. Field: Zenmaity (1500 ATK)+ Wind-Up Zenmaister (2400 ATK) + Adreus/Tiras/Wind-Up Zenmaioh (2600 ATK)+ Wind-Up Shark (1500 ATK)

Video of these 2 Combos:

Shark + Magician Combo (another one)


  1. Normal Summon Wind-Up Magician
  2. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Shark in your hand
  3. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from your hand [Field: Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  4. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician to the chainable Special Summon of your Wind-Up Shark
  5. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Magician from your deck [Field: Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  6. Effect Wind-Up Shark: Change Wind-Up Shark to LV 3
  7. Trigger the effect of the 2nd Wind-Up Magician to the effect of your Wind-Up Shark
  8. Special Summon a Wind-Up Rat from your deck in face-up DEF (has to be DEF due to Magician) [Field: Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  9. Overlay the 2 used up Wind-Up Magician
  10. Special Summon Photon Papilloperative [Field: Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3)+ Wind-Up Rat (DEF)]
  11. Effect Photon Papilloperative: Detach Wind-Up Magician
  12. Switch Wind-Up Rat (DEF) to ATK mode
  13. Effect Wind-Up Rat (ATK): Switch to DEF
  14. Special Summon Wind-Up Magician from grave [Field: Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF) + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  15. Overlay Wind-Up Shark (LV 3) + Wind-Up Rat (DEF)
  16. Special Summon Zenmaity [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  17. Effect Zenmaity: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  18. Special Summon a 2nd Wind-Up Shark from deck/hand with Zenmaity [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (not used) + Wind-Up Shark]
  19. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to Zenmaitys effect
  20. Special Summon a 3rd Wind-Up Magician from deck [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  21. Overlay Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark
  22. Special Summon Wind-Up Zenmaister [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaityWind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (not used)]
  23. Effect Wind-Up Zenmaister: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  24. Switch Zenmaity to face-down DEF
  25. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Magician (not used) to Wind-Up Zenmaisters effect
  26. Special Summon 3rd Wind-Up Shark from deck [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity (face-down) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 4)]
  27. Overlay Wind-Up Magician (used) + Wind-Up Shark (LV 4)
  28. Special Summon a 2nd Photon Papilloperative from Extra Deck [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity (face-down) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative]
  29. Effect Photon Papilloperative: Detach Wind-Up Shark
  30. Switch Zenmaity (face-down) to ATK mode
  31. Effect Zenmaity (900 ATK): Detach Wind-Up Rat
  32. Special Summmon Wind-Up Kitten in ATK [Field: Photon PapilloperativeZenmaity (900 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister + Photon Papilloperative + Wind-Up Kitten]
  33. Effect Wind-Up Kitten: Bounce one of your opponents monsters back to the hand/extra
  34. Field: Photon Papilloperative (2100 ATK) + Zenmaity (900 ATK) + Wind-Up Zenmaister (2100 ATK)+ Photon Papilloperative (2100 ATK) + Wind-Up Kitten (800 ATK) = 8000 damage


Here are some more combos without videos:

Wind-Up Rabbit + Factory Combo



  1. Normal Summon Wind-Up Rabbit
  2. Activate Wind-Up Factory
  3. Effect Wind-Up Rabbit in your opponents turn: Banish Wind-Up Rabbit
  4. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Factory to Rabbit’s effect
  5. Add Wind-Up Shark to hand
  6. In your Standby Phase: return Rabbit
  7. Activate Rabbit’s effect again
  8. Trigger the effect of Wind-Up Factory to Rabbit’s effect
  9. Add Wind-Up Magician to hand
  10. Normal Summon Wind-Up Magician
  11. Do the Magician + Shark Combo I explained before (each one is ok, depends on the situation)

Additional Comment

I hope you can figure out how these combos work now, I spent a really long time with writing all these stuff down. Of course there are more combos which I didn’t explain, but I think you should try and experiment by yourself to find them.

An amazing tech AGAINST swarming decks like Wind-Ups is definitely Needle Ceiling in my opinion, sure you can use Effect Veiler and Maxx “C” to stop (/profit from) their summons, but you just have to set a monster with Needle Ceiling (only affects face-up monsters) and wait till they swarm their field and activate it in the right moment. In addition to that Needle Ceiling is chainable (at any time assuming that there are 4 or more monsters) and your set monster counts as a monster for the activation condition of having 4 monsters on the field, even though it is not destroyed.

Thanks for reading until now and hope you step by again for my next post, which will be Gadgets in the new Format.

All images and videos embed in this post are taken from DuelingNetwork, Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia and Youtube.

6 comments on “Wind-Up Deck and Combos (September 2012 Banlist)

  1. last combos are totally wrong xD
    u can’t chain factory to a wind-up eff, both factory and magician open a new chain after the eff resolve

    • Of course, but I would change one Salvage for something else, 2 Salvages were too much dead draws for me. Also I’d change the Tour Bus into a Night Assailant, the Assailant is more versatile than a Tour Bus.

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